Girl Scout Leaders: Those of you that have requested that I email you our Troop Address, I regret to inform you I have no way of knowing what your email address is unless you left it in your Comment. If you would like to send us a Postcard please email me at or just leave your email address in your comment. Thanks.
this is an awsome web page!!! this is my first daisy experience....and youve given me some great tips and ideas!!!! YOU LADIES ARE DOING GREAT!!!
What an awesome website. You have so much information and put together in a great format! Very impressive.
We are swapping postcards with you this year. Great job on your website!
You've got a really nice website! I can tell you've put a great deal of effort in to it.
Great website and thanks for the ecard!!!!
Hey love the web site your doing a great job as a leader I am so glad to have you on are team I would really like to see the outher troops have a site to. It really helps me keep up with all your troop is doing great job!
I am browsing for e-postcards for the postcard trade. Thanks for posting one for us. Have fun and Happy Thinking Day!!!!!
Karen( Troop 51, Juniors, Checotah, Oklahoma!!!)
I was working on the postcard exchange and found your site! Thanks so much for the card. We are a Junior Troop 65604 of eleven 4th grade girls from Pierre, South Dakota, USA.
I love the website. I am glad that Asha can be part of this troop this year. Looking forward to a great year.
I love your website..The ecard was great!I found your troop via Thinking Day Yahoo Group! I am with GS Troop 2149 in Arlington,Texas USA!
I am soooo impressed with everything I just saw on your site!! The wheels are turning in my head even as I write! I found you through the TDpostcardexchange which we're having a ball with. Thank you for sharing your e-card with us also, I'm outputting it right now for my girls! We are the 1st Beeton Guides from Beeton, Ontario, Canada!
Thank you for posting an ecard. Having an international card to show my troop so soon will be great fun!
Thank you Brownie Troop 484 for putting up a blog site for your Brownies...half way around the world in Florida, this Nana can see what her Granddaughter and her troop are doing! Good Work Girls, if you were closer, I would have you work on your horse badge with me!
This is great. Brenda sent me the link. It is nice to see what Asha is up to. Kelsey and I miss her. Have a great year.
Greetings from Southern Alabama. We are troop 8596...a brand new Brownie Troop in Monroeville Alabama. Right now we only have 3 members and all of them are homeschoolers. We would love to mail you a postcard. Please send a mailing address and we will mail a card out this week!
We are Brownie Troop #134 from Falls Church, Virginia, USA. This is our 2nd year participating in the post card exchange. This is a great idea to use the technology to that lots of people can learn about your troop. If you send us your address, we'll send out a post card from Washington DC. Thanks for sharing!
Hello from Brownie Troop 202 of Windsor, Colorado, USA! Thanks for sharing your postcard online, it is so fun to get "extra" postcards this way. Hope you are having a wonderful year of Scouting!!
We are planning a multi-troop potluck dinner and party on February 22 to celebrate World Thinking Day, with displays of our postcards and foods from around the world. This is our second year with the exchange.
We would love to send you an ecard as well, so if you are interested please send you email.
I hope you girls have a fun time as a troop! i was a girl scout long time ago and i started as a brownie! i made it all the way up to getting my gold award!!!
I am so pleased to see that a troop from baumholder is participating in the postcard exchange. as we just moved from there it was fanastic to see!! I'll definitely have my troop send you out a postcard. thank you for taking the time to have an e-card available online. that is shear dedication and I'm proud to be on the same girl scout team as you.
Thank you for sharing your ecard with us for Thinking Day! We are a Junior/Cadette troop of 18 girls that live at the base of the Smoky Mountains in Maryville, Tennessee. We'd love to send you our ecard, so send me your email address and it will be on its way! Yours in scouting, Troop 741
We are a brownie troop of 13 girls ages 7-10 in Northwest Tennessee. I love your e-card and I know the girls will too! Thanks for making it available to everyone!
Hello from Missouri. Thanks so much for sharing your website and postcard. My girls loved your site. Keep up the great job.
Junior Troop 468
Thank you for sharing your website and postcard. We are a junior troop of eight 5th graders from EVans, GA - just outside Augusta. We love everything outdoors: camping, hiking, swimming and crafts. We have visited the Juliette Gordon Low house in Savannah (about 2 hours away) as well as having spent overnights at our local GS campground, Camp Tanglewood, the zoo and the science center.
Good luck to all of you and thank you, again. You have inspired us to get our own blog site.
Troop 476
Diane Santiago
Troop 5207 of NE Kansas & NW Missouri thanks you for posting such a beautiful ecard. Your card has made it much easier to get postcards from all around the world.
Hi we are Brownie Troop 787 from Bloomingdale, Georgia in the USA. We are close to Savannah (birthplace of founder of Girl Scouts Juliet Gordon Low). We have chosen Germany as our country to study for Thinking Day. We have learned so much about your country already! I personally have lived there and home to bring my children there soon!
Brownie Troop 787
c/o Corie Jeffers
Bloomingdale, GA 31302
Hi we are a Brownie troop in sunny Phoenix Arizona. We have an average of 300 days of sunshine. Wouldn't you know, we planned on doing the Me and My Shadow Try it yesterday and it was cloudy and raining. But we saw a beautiful rainbow to go with it. Our troop has 12 girls from 2nd to 4th grade. They love to camp, have sleepovers, sing, do crafts, go horseback riding - just about everything. I love your website - and thank you very much for the postcard!
Troop 2421
Linda Hicks
Hi! You have done a great job on your website - so very organized. We are doing Germany for World Thinking Day and appreciate your sharing an e-card with us. We are Junior Troop #778 of 8 girls in Lexington, Texas. If you ever need anything from here, please let us know.
Hi! This is a great site and a great way to share with others. We are a Brownie troop of 5 girls from Clinton, Missouri. This is our first year as Brownies and our first time doing postcards. We are really enjoying all the cards we have gotten. We got signed up right at the end but have had great response. Thanks for sharing your site with us.
Brenda Catron and
Brownie Troop 1447
I am Kiara's Nana and I live in Mississippi. I was a Girl Scout for many years and learned a lot of important lessons during the time I was a member. A lot of the things that I learned in Girl Scouts, I still use and will carry with me throughout the rest of my life. I'm glad that Kiara is enjoying being in Girl Scouts. I hope these girls learn, grow and enjoy this time as it is one of the most positive experiences in their lives.
~ Tanya Mathews
Thank you so much for sharing all your creative ideas!
Thanks for sharing your great ideas! The more we can modernize communication the easier it is for parent involvement. I will be using this structure for my troops and for my service unit cookie coordinating.
We are a first year junior troop and a count of 12 girls and we have been together for the 4 year.
This is the first year to join the exchange card and we can't wait to receive get them. Please Help out
thank you Renee co-leader of Troop 1310
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